General Dentistry in Kiama
Dr Paul Doran - Kiama Dental



Frequently asked questions

What’s the best kind of toothbrush to use?
Toothbrushes with soft bristles are recommended by most dentists. Medium and firm bristles can cause damage to gums and teeth, leaving your mouth susceptible to infections. It doesn’t matter whether the toothbrush you choose is manual or electric as long as the bristles are soft. Brushing for two minutes twice a day is ideal. Don’t forget to floss and rinse with a mouthwash to get into the areas the toothbrush can’t reach.
What can I do about bleeding gums?
Are dental x-rays safe?
At what age should we teach our child to brush his teeth?
What’s the best way to keep my teeth white after having them whitened?
What is a night guard and why would I need one?